Furka steam train

Panoramic excursion with the historic railway

A trip with the Furka Steam Railway (DFB) is an unforgettable experience amidst a largely untouched high alpine landscape. Discover the Furka area from a completely different perspective. You’ll enjoy a view of flowering meadows, rugged rock formation, and, with a bit of luck, groundhogs and chamois. Just past the halfway point of the trip, the train makes a stop in the town of Gletsch, which features a historic hotel outpost, the DFB railway station with souvenir shop and other sights. It's definitely worth having a look around here.

Historic route

Built between 1906 and 1924, the DFB steam locomotives transport day-trippers between Realp and Oberwald in historic passenger carriages. The route is 17.8 kilometres long, and the train journey lasts about two hours. A special attraction is the stream locomotive HG 4/4 No. 704, which was sent from Switzerland to Vietnam in 1924. It was repatriated in 1990 and restored over a period of 12 years. It is currently considered Europe's most powerful narrow-gauge, steam-operated locomotive with combined gear and adhesion drive.

You can find more information on the website of the Furka Steam Railway.

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