Free festive champagne
As a member of the GotthardMemberClub, you can enjoy a free Cüpli in the following establishments in Andermatt and Sedrun from December 24, 2024 to January 1, 2025:
Matti family restaurant
Restaurant Nätschen
Piz Calmot mountain restaurant
Panoramarestaurant Schneehüenerstock
Restaurant Milez
Tegia las Palas
Restaurant Druni
Free newyear champagne
In Disentis you will also receive a free Cüpli in the following establishments on January 1, 2025:
La Baracca, Disentis
Nevada Bar, Disentis
Lai Alv, Disentis
Caischavedra, Disentis
This service can only be claimed if you present your annual subscription when ordering. The festive tipple includes 1 glass of Prosecco or a soft drink per guest.