Shreddergarte Disentis


  • The Shreddergarten Sax, Disentis, is a versatile snow park that offers exciting challenges and fun for both beginners and professionals.

  • From the end of January to the beginning of March, a Nightsession takes place every Tuesday evening in the illuminated snow park.

  • The park is open daily from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM.


  • 28.01.2025

  • 04.02.2025

  • 11.02.2025

  • 18.02.2025

  • 25.02.2025

  • 05.03.2025

Shreddergarten Events:

  • Shreddergarten Jam: 08.03.2025

Important information

- You can find the opening hours and more information here.

- Here you can find the program for the 2024/25 Shreddergarten season.

- Find more impressions on Instagram.

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