Ustria Valtgeva


A warm welcome to the "Ustria Valtgeva" restaurant, where pleasure and family go hand in hand! Our doors are wide open for you and your family, as well as for everyone who appreciates cozy togetherness. Amidst a picturesque backdrop, we proudly present our signature dish, "Pizokel Valtgeva," as a culinary homage to the connection between tradition and modernity.

Explore our diverse menu that combines regional delicacies with a modern touch. It's not just about excellent cuisine here, but also about sharing taste experiences, shared laughter, and creating a place where your entire family can gather – all at affordable prices. Our inclusive approach emphasizes the accessibility of our restaurant for everyone, regardless of age. This creates an atmosphere that puts shared experiences at the center.

Create memories with a relaxed meal in our lovingly designed ambiance – the ideal place for cross-generational joys. Our sunny terraces not only offer a breathtaking view but also space for family moments under the open sky. At Ustria Valtgeva, you all experience the best aspects of life in the sun, fresh air, and delicious food. Feel how hospitality and warmth become tangible in every bite. We look forward to welcoming you soon.

A warm welcome to the "Ustria Valtgeva" restaurant, where pleasure and family go hand in hand! Our doors are wide open for you and your family, as well as for everyone who appreciates cozy togetherness. Amidst a picturesque backdrop, we proudly present our signature dish, "Pizokel Valtgeva," as a culinary homage to the connection between tradition and modernity.

Explore our diverse menu that combines regional delicacies with a modern touch. It's not just about excellent cuisine here, but also about sharing taste experiences, shared laughter, and creating a place where your entire family can gather – all at affordable prices. Our inclusive approach emphasizes the accessibility of our restaurant for everyone, regardless of age. This creates an atmosphere that puts shared experiences at the center.

Create memories with a relaxed meal in our lovingly designed ambiance – the ideal place for cross-generational joys. Our sunny terraces not only offer a breathtaking view but also space for family moments under the open sky. At Ustria Valtgeva, you all experience the best aspects of life in the sun, fresh air, and delicious food. Feel how hospitality and warmth become tangible in every bite. We look forward to welcoming you soon.

Important information

Note: The hours of operation may vary depending on the weather and cableway service hours. Only open in the winter season!

Operating Hours

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