208 Val Russein

Route Information


Best Time of Year



Grandiose circular tour high above the Surselva to the foot of the Tödi. From Disentis you experience the openness of the Surselva on the slopes on both sides before you enter the isolate Val Russein. You return along the Rhine to Disentis. From the starting point at the Disentis railway station you can see the hamlet of Cavardiras – enthroned high above the Surselva – from afar. Cavardiras is reached after a brief descent to the River Rhine followed by a first gentle climb. Once you get there, it's well worth enjoying the view up the valley to the Rhine source and down the valley to Montalin near Chur. After another descent along the Rhine, you cross the river and immediately embark on the climb via Cumpadials and Sumvitg to the Alp Dadens. The hamlet of Sogn Benedetg is home to the famous chapel designed by star architect Peter Zumthor. A must for everyone with an interest in architecture.

The ascent with a lot of hairpin bends slowly spirals upwards. And the higher above the bottom of the valley you get, the better the view of the Surselva becomes. Numerous stables, alpine farms and huts bear testimony to the intensive farming of the past centuries. The converted stables and alpine huts offering accommodation and holiday apartments on the Alp Dadens hint at a new approach to using alpine resources. Take in the far-reaching view one last time before embarking on the exciting descent in to the narrow Val Russein.

After the sun terraces of Sogn Benedetg and Alp Dadens, the trail follows the stream at the bottom of the valley, climbing steadily through the fascinating Val Russein. On both sides you look up at steep mountainsides. Just after the Punt Russein, bunkers disguised as chalets bear testimony to military buildings of the past century. At the Alp Russein da Trun, at an altitude of 1,810 metres, the route turns and initially you coast down on the same trail back the valley, before you ride along pretty trails, climbing slightly, back to the monastery village of Disentis.

Grandiose circular tour high above the Surselva to the foot of the Tödi. From Disentis you experience the openness of the Surselva on the slopes on both sides before you enter the isolate Val Russein. You return along the Rhine to Disentis. From the starting point at the Disentis railway station you can see the hamlet of Cavardiras – enthroned high above the Surselva – from afar. Cavardiras is reached after a brief descent to the River Rhine followed by a first gentle climb. Once you get there, it's well worth enjoying the view up the valley to the Rhine source and down the valley to Montalin near Chur. After another descent along the Rhine, you cross the river and immediately embark on the climb via Cumpadials and Sumvitg to the Alp Dadens. The hamlet of Sogn Benedetg is home to the famous chapel designed by star architect Peter Zumthor. A must for everyone with an interest in architecture.

The ascent with a lot of hairpin bends slowly spirals upwards. And the higher above the bottom of the valley you get, the better the view of the Surselva becomes. Numerous stables, alpine farms and huts bear testimony to the intensive farming of the past centuries. The converted stables and alpine huts offering accommodation and holiday apartments on the Alp Dadens hint at a new approach to using alpine resources. Take in the far-reaching view one last time before embarking on the exciting descent in to the narrow Val Russein.

After the sun terraces of Sogn Benedetg and Alp Dadens, the trail follows the stream at the bottom of the valley, climbing steadily through the fascinating Val Russein. On both sides you look up at steep mountainsides. Just after the Punt Russein, bunkers disguised as chalets bear testimony to military buildings of the past century. At the Alp Russein da Trun, at an altitude of 1,810 metres, the route turns and initially you coast down on the same trail back the valley, before you ride along pretty trails, climbing slightly, back to the monastery village of Disentis.

Height Chart