On an old path to Val Sumvitg
Route Information
Best Time of Year
We start our hike at the church in Surrein, whose steeple is home to one of the largest bat colonies in Switzerland in summer. After the last typical Graubünden wooden houses, we try to imagine how it was back then, more than a hundred years ago, when aristocratic guests were transported by sedan chair or horse-drawn carriage along this path to Tenigerbad to have their illnesses cured there. The path first winds along the Rein Sumvitg and later climbs steadily. From time to time we have beautiful views of the wide and stony stream bed. Alders, birches and firs alternate and we cross small streams that carry debris into the valley during heavy rainfall. Further up it becomes rocky and the river disappears more and more in the valley bottom. After leaving the forest, we can already see the top of the chapel of Val. We meet a farm where more than twenty donkeys let the sun shine on their fur. Then we have reached our destination. Val a small, almost forgotten hamlet on the summer route to the Greina plain. We stop at the Ustria Val and enjoy a house coffee and homemade nut cake with whipped cream.